Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A fairly innocent story

I woke up with a start to the sound of pounding on my door. I quickly pull on some clothes and go to the door. There is an old woman there, she looks nice and harmless but I wonder why she is at my doorstep in the middle of the night. I ask her why she is here and she tells me she is selling cookies for a cheap price. I say "No thanks but maybe another time." She walks away after that.

The next day I am at my friends house and we hear a scratching on his door, he thinks it must be his dog and he asks me to check. I go to the door and open it to see the old lady standing there staring at me and smiling. I immediately shut the door and run upstairs to my my friends room telling him what just happened.  He tells me I shouldn't worry and that it was probably a coincidence but I still have a seed of worry in my mind. I stay at his house till it gets dark and then start the long walk home back to my house. As I am walking I notice that the street around me is deserted except for an odd looking person in front of me. I look down at my feet just trying to thing happy thoughts when I here some scuffling ahead of me and look up. The  person in front of me has fallen over and is laying still so I rush up to them hoping that they are okay. When I reach them I ask them if they are okay and they look up at me. It is the old lady I saw from before and she is still smiling in a creepy sort of way. Next she asks "Are you my mommy?" I start to back up as the lady stands up. She walks toward me looking like he limbs are attached to some invisible puppet masters tool. Then she lunges at me and I feel her pass through me and then I crumple to the ground. 

I wake up lying on the street and I have no control of any of my body. I can only watch what is happening. I feel my self walking toward my friends house and I know what this being is going to do next and I am powerless to stop it. It's an endless cycle, It will get my friend and I will not be able to stop it it will go on forever consuming the souls of its victims and leaving them trapped inside an endless hell. All you can do is watch and hope and wait and hope it doesn't get you.....

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