Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Ben Stiller

      Ben Stiller is a famous actor. He has starred in many great movies, one of my personal favorite movies that Ben Stiller has starred in is Zoolander. Ben Stiller is hilarious in this movie so I thought he would look pretty great photoshopped.  I started to photoshop Ben Stiller by making him look satanic, but then I realized he is pretty "shreky" so I would make him have more Shrek-like attributes. Here is how I made Ben Stiller more "shreky."

     First I found a good photo of Ben Stiller online, then I put it in to photoshop and made him more green. After that I made his eyes black by selecting the iris and changing the hue of it. Then I cut out his mouth and enlarged it. And finally I cleaned everything up and erased the rough edges. Here is the final product:

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Gary Busey

For some reason Gary Busey annoys me immensely.  I do not know why he annoys me so much but he just does. I always have really disliked his teeth and mouth for some strange reason. They are too big or something. Gary Busey just seems so strange, it's like he gets under my skin. Since Gary Busey annoys me so much I decided to photoshop him.

I made this photo to show Gary's beautiful teeth. This photoshop job really makes his teeth stand out in order to show their true beauty. How I made this photo was first by cutting out his mouth and making it much bigger. After that i blended it it by erasing edges and by changing the color. The I went in with a paint tool and added an Anarchy symbol to his forehead. I think It really proves my point about his weird teeth.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie has such a big smile I just couldn't resist photoshopping her. She is one of those people that have a mouth that looks so huge. When people have smiles like this you can turn them into abominations so quickly. Also you can move their mouth to so many different places, it's amazing!!!

The first thing I did while making this photo was cut out the mouth. Then I pasted the mouth in two different places and I resized it. After that I cut out the nose and then flipped it upside down and made it fit. After that I colored the teeth and the lips a different color. Then I erased unnecessary bits and cleaned up around the eyes. After that I was done with my abomination.