Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Daniel Craig

Daniel Craig was born March 2, 1968 and is one on the world's most famous British actors. He has starred in many movies but his most famous films consist of the four bond movies he has been in and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. His contract requires him to be in another Bond film but he has stated to the media that he would rather "slash his wrists than play Bond again". But he does have to star in one more Bond film due to his 5 film contract. Daniel Craig will be starring in his first ever show shot in the united states called Purity. So due to Daniel Craig being in the News recently about the whole James Bond thing, I decided to photoshop him.

Before Photo

After Photo

For the Photoshop Enthusiasts

The First thing I did while making this photo was copy and past the chin/mouth area. Then I stretched it out, made it fit and moved it up, After I did that I comp and pasted the mouth and flipped it upside down. Then I copy and pasted the eyes and enlarged them. After blending them in I moved his hair down to look like a beard and moved on to his ears. I first took the left ear and simply enlarged it, then I took the area around the right ear and i copy and pasted it and moved it in. After that I made his ear smaller and erased the jagged edges. Then I went around the entire photo with a brush on 25% opacity and blended everything together. Then I was finished.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio was born in 1964 0n November 11th.  Leonardo DiCaprio is one of my personal favorite actors and somehow has not won a single Oscar. Seriously the people deciding whether he should win an oscar must be fucking with him. One example of Leo's incredible acting is his his role in the new movie The Revenant.  This insane scene Leonardo DiCaprio actually gets inside of a dead animal carcass and sleeps in it. In another scene in this movie he swims in a freezing cold river and almost got hypothermia in the process. Jesus just give this guy an Oscar already. Another incredible scene was show in the incredible movie Django Unchained. In one show Leo slams his hand on the table shattering a glass object, when his hand started to bleed he did not call cut he continued on with the scene and wiped real blood on another actors face. This scene made it into the final cut even though it was real blood. This amazing man is so incredible I believe he is part of the Reptilian race and that is why I photoshopped him. Here is the final product:

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is the current "President" of Mother Russia. I say "President" in quotations, because to the public Russia is a Democracy but it is really more like an Empire or Tsarist Autocracy. I say this because even though Russia has a voting system, Vladimir Putin still has practically unlimited power. There have been several strange coincidences involving Vladimir Putin and his enemy's. One of these "coincidences" occurred in 2006 and involved a man named Alexander Litvenko, a former officer for the Russian Federal Security Service and KGB agent. Alexander fled to the United Kingdom to seek Asylum and started working for MI5 and MI6.  On November 1 2006 Alexander Litvenko was poisoned under the order of Vladimir Putin by a highly lethal dose of polonium 210 and died three days later. Vladimir Putin was never convicted because it is thought that he ordered the hit but there is "no proof". There are many other instances like this but none of them can be proven. Another strange thing that Mr. Putin managed to do was run for a third time in office because of a loophole in the constitution that he found. This man is "friends" with Donald Trump which I personally think is a horrible thing that in no way can end well and so I decided to photoshop him.

The first photo I made was quite a simple thing to make. I decided to make him a Tsar (Russian Emperor) because even though Russia wont admit it, they are truly living in a Tsarist Autocracy or at least an Oligarchy. The only thing I did to make this photo was find a picture of a man in Tsar robes and copy and paste Putin's face on the body. I did this by using the eraser tool to make him look like he has a nice full beard. Hear is the final product.

The next photo I made was also fairly simple. The first thing I did was copy and paste his face and flip it upside down. Then I erased it so it blended in with the rest of his face and so that it was doubled up. After that I changed the color of the flipped face so that it would blend in correctly and erased the edges on a low opacity so it blended in correctly. I also increased the size of his left ear. Here it is:

The final photo I made was a bit harder. The first thing I did while making this photo was copy and paste Putin's mouth and move it up higher that his nose. after that i blended it in by copy and pasting his chin many times each slightly higher so that it looked "natural". Then I merged those chin layers and blended them together using the patch tool. Next i cleaned it up a but and moved on to his eyes. First I copy and pasted his right eye and flipped it upside down. Next after I blended it in i selected the whites of his eyes and adjusted them to a dark red using the hue/saturation selection. And last but not least I enlarged his ear to match the previous photo. Here is the masterpiece in all its beauty.