Wednesday, January 27, 2016

DJ Khaled

       Khaled bin Abdul Khaled commonly known by his stage name DJ Khaled is a self absorbed asshole obsessed with telling the world "the key to success" and how accomplished he is. This large man has been featured in songs including "I'm so Hood" and "Bitches and Bottles" . In every single one of DJ Khaled's songs there are at least 20 product placements in every shot. DJ Khaled is so obsessed with money he will do anything to make more. He also has an incredibly large Snapchat following and starts every single one of his posts with "The key to success is Fill in some motivational bullshit here". In one of DJ Khaled recent Snapchat videos he accidentally flashed both sides of his credit card and lost $80,000 dollars within minutes. The only way he stopped the endless flow of his money out of his bank account was by notifying the authorities and having them freeze his card. So I've decided to bless the internet with my art and create a photoshop of DJ Khaled showing the "true" key to success. 

       The first thing I did while creating this picture was find an image of a key that said success on it. Next I found a picture of a tank in hd and combined the two photos making the end of the key into the barrel of the tank. After that I found a picture of DJ Khaled with his arms raised and made it look like he was sticking out of the top of the tank. Next I found one of him with out his shirt on and made him looking out from the barrel of the tank. After that I found another picture of him holding a drink and placed it off to the side. Then I found hundreds of photos of alcohol and copy and pasted them all over the photo including two up to with him ing the tank. After cleaning it up a bit I was finished.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Ben Stiller

Ben Stiller has been in many hilarious films throughout his acting career. His interest in films started at a young age because both of his parents were actors. Two of my favorite films Ben stiller has acted in are "Something About Mary" and "Zoolander." I am very exited because "Zoolander 2" is coming out soon, to be precise February 12, 2016.  Zoo Landers co-star, Owen Wilson, has been acting with Ben Stiller for over a decade now. So I decided to Photoshop Ben Stiller because I am so exited for "Zoolander 2."

The first thing I did while making this photo was select his chin and copy and paste it. Then I stretched it out and made it fit on his face. After cleaning up the edges and blending it I touched up the bottom of the chin where I noticed some rough patches. Then I moved his forehead an eyes down almost to the bottom of his nose an stretched it out so it fit.  After that I enlarged his left eyebrow and for a final touch I made his eyes a very dark red so you almost can't see his pupils. Here it it.

For the next photo I made I first selected his nose and I used the liquify tool on it to bulge it. Then I selected his lips and I flipped then upside down and made them bigger. After that I selected his left eyelid and copy and pasted it twice. Next I moved one of the eyelids up and flipped then other one upside down to make his eye look all weird. Then I made his left eyebrow enlarged and cleaned up the whole photo. Here is the final product.