Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Kim Jong-Un

Kim Jong-Un

     Kim Jong-Un the wonderful supreme leader who loves cheese more than his own country. Kim Jong-Un has recently told he has to "slow down on the cheese" because he is getting very fat from it. This amazing man tried to launch a test nuke and almost destroyed South Korea!! Good job Kim Jong-Un!!! Kim Jong-Un it the living recreation of the little kid from the Disney movie Up, except instead of holding on to balloons he is tied to a nuclear bomb. This small little man is perfect to photoshop because he is so "photogenic". He is so beautiful in photos I assumed that the worst thing that could happen if I photoshopped him would be getting nuked, but the likelihood of that happening is next to nothing so I'm not that worried. Even if he tried to nuke me he would probably end up destroying his own country.

1: The first photo of Kim Jong-Un that I photoshopped originated with a picture of him riding on a horse. This brought the idea to mind to have him riding on a majestic animal (a.k.a a cat.) After I had cut out both him an a random cat I copied and pasted them onto a very amazing background. Then I added a Bullet Bill (from Mario) and last but not lease I added a rainbow in the background. Here is the final product.

2: I made this next one because Kim Jong-Un loves cheese so much, he also love himself. So I cut out Kim Jong-Un's face and put it on a picture of cheese. The I added more of Kim Jong-Un's faces and I added more cheese. Then I positioned everything correctly and made a true picture defining Kim Jong-Un's love, cheese and himself. Here is the final product.