Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson

Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson is an actor and used to be a pro wrestler which is where he got his name The Rock. Some people love him as an actor I personally think he is an awful performer. I think that one of his worst movies is The Tooth Fairy.  Rotten Tomatoes rated this movie at an astonishing 18%. Even though he is in more than a few gag-worthy movies he is apparently a fairly good writer. In 2000 he wrote an autobiography called The Rock Says that was #1 for several weeks on the New York Times Best Seller list. The Rock recently went on a Diet that consists of seven meals a day, 14 egg whites, 3 pounds of meat, and a cup of lions blood to top it all off. Dwayne Johnson is not only a weird actor he is also a strange looking actor. I accomplished this goal as you can see below.

The firs thing I did while creating this picture was find a HD photo of Stonehenge. Then I found nine photos of The Rocks body and cut out the edges of each one of them. After that I copied and pasted every single image into the Stonehenge document and blended the photo together with the Auto Color tool. I also found a picture of a small rock and a picture of The Rock's faces and blended those two photos together to show a common play on words associated with Dwayne Johnson's wresting name. Here is the final product.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Kanye West

Kanye west is a Rapper and song writer, he is fairly famous and is liked by many but I personally do not like him. I dislike him for many reasons including the fact that he is a huge Narcissist and doesn't really care about the rest of the world. another reason why I dislike him is because he is married to Kim Kardashian and named his child "North West". Kanye was once spotted wearing a confederate flag on his jacket and is now considered by many as a confederate supporter. Recently Kanye announced that he was going to run for president in 2020. Whether there is truth to this statement or not, I think that it would be a crazy decision to vote for Kanye. Almost as insane as voting for Donald Trump. I am devoting this blog post to Kanye's potential presidential campaign.

The first thing I did while creating this photo was flip Kanye's head upside down. Then I copied and pasted his mustache and mouth onto the upside down forehead and erased the jagged edges. After that I selected both eyes and copied and pasted them except at a different angle and a enlarged size. Next I erased the edges around the eyes using an eraser at 35% so that the eyes blended in. Then I copied and pasted his left eyebrow and positioned it in away where it looks like a unibrow. After that I erased the overlapping eyebrow with a 42% percent opacity eraser and made it blend in. Then I merged all the layers together and copied and pasted them into picture of a confederate flag. Then I wrote "Vote Kanye 2020" and made a few adjustments to the font. After touching up a few of the edges the masterpiece was complete.

Here is the Before:

Here is the after:

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Shia Labeouf

Shia LaBeouf is a very strange man who has done some strange things with his life. His most recent publicity stunt was making a motivational video called "Just Do It!!" Shia Leboeuf has starred in many famous movies including three of the Transformers and a movie called Nymphomaniac Volume I. The way that Shia LaBeouf got the role in Nymphomaniac Volume I was by emailing the producers a dick pic. Somehow this got him the role... Shia LaBeouf has done many other strange things with his life including getting arrested for trespassing at a Walgreens and Head-butting a random dude in a bar. He a has also allegedly threatened his neighbor with a knife.  Even though Shia LaBeouf has done all these weird things I have decided to make him even weirder, through the lovely application Photoshop.

The first thing I did while making this photo was find a photo of a Chihuahua and a picture of Shia LaBeouf's face and combine them. After that I put the image into a picture of a grassy field and blended it all in. Then I went and found a picture of the Teletubbies and added it into the grassy field. Next I went online and found four separate photos of Shia LaBeouf's face (One for every Teletubbie).
Then I blended those photos onto the Teletubbie's bodies and erased the jagged edges. After that I found a photo of the creepy Teletubbie sun and added another photo of Shia LaBeouf's face onto it. Then I searched "Shia LaBeouf yoga" and selected the second photo that popped up. Then I cut out the edges around that photo and made it blend into the grassy field. And last but not least I added some words into the sky to give it a finishing touch. Then my masterpiece was complete.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Pitbull is an odd-looking rapper who has the tendency to say " This is worldwide" in every single song that he produces. Pitbull is an incredibly bald man who chooses to embrace his Latino heritage and also say "Ono, dos, tres" over and over.  Pitbull has about a 50 million dollar net worth which is surprising considering he is ranked by "Miami New Times" as the ninth worst rapper of all time. I chose to Photoshop Pitbull because, first off his name is Pitbull, and secondly because he looks so strange and I was wondering if I could make him look weirder. I have accomplished this great feat, look below to see the final product and how I made it.

1. I started by finding a HD photo of a pitbull and a photo of Pitbull sticking his tongue out. After that I blended the two photos together by expanding Pitbull's face to fit on the dog and then erasing the edges so it looks blended in. Next I found a very clear photo of Pitbull's face and flipped it upside down. Then I had to put that flipped head on a standing up body so I found another HD photo of pitbull and removed the head from that. After that I placed the upside-down head on the new body and merged the two layers together. Then I blended the two photos together and put them on a nice grassy background where the pitbull fit in. Then the masterpiece was finally completed.