Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dr. Phil

       Phillip Calvin McGraw, is a psychologist, author, and has his own show called "Dr. Phil". Dr. Phil is like the male version of Opera. He has a talk show where he talks to people about political issues and if they killed there wife or not.  At one point in his career he even teamed up with Opera to win a lawsuit called the Amarillo Texas Beef Trial. After that he reappeared on Opera's show many more times and got more well known by the crowds. About a year later, Dr. Phil wrote about Life Strategies. Then in 2002 he started his show where he consults people about their life problems. In 2003 he entered the weight loss business, where he sold energy shakes, bars and juices. I think Dr. Phil is already a pretty strange looking man but I have chosen to enhance his weirdness tenfold through a magical little thing called Photoshop.

       The first thing I did while creating this photo was copy and paste Dr. Phil's mustache twice. Then I moved both copies up onto his eyebrows and made a unibrow out of them. after I blended them in correctly I copied and pasted his chin so that it looked like the top of his head. Next I took the burn tool and selected the mode shadow on 35% exposer and made it look like he had two black eyes and a bruised nose. After that I copied and pasted his chin two more times and made it look like he had a triple chin. After blending that in I selected the burn tool again and ran over the whole picture with it on 10% exposer.  The I took the exposer all the way up to 100% and wend over his eyes so that the middle of his eye was black. Next I took the burn tool and I made it look like he was bleeding from his lip by using a very small brush setting. After that I selected all layers and went into liquify mode. Then I made his eyes bulge and made his mouth smaller. Then I was finished.

Before Photo

After Photo

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Diabolic Hillary Clinton

This week I don't have much to say about the actual person I am Photoshopping, I have more to say about my sanity... While creating this photo I questioned if I had tapped into a diabolic power and birthed this awful abomination. This masterpiece is questionably the most horrifying piece of work I have produced from my strange consciousness . It slithered from the darkest parts of hell on a quick path to my open mind and expelled itself from my fingers. As I drifted back into sanity, I glanced upon my computer screen and realized I had produced an atrocity so horrifying even I could not stand it.

The first thing I did while creating this horror was copy and paste the mouth five times. Then I lined the photos up in order but slightly lower on each photo. After that I merged the photos together and blended the uneven lips as well as I could. Next I took her left eye and tilted it at about a 95 degree angle, then I blended it in. After that I found an image of blood dripping and cut it out and than copied and pasted on her right eye. I made it look like it was dripping down her face by using the warp tool to bend it. Next I copied and pasted her teeth upside down and used the warp to match them up with her lower lip. Then I copied and pasted her neck folds twice and replaced her chin with them. After that I took a section of her cheek and covered her ear with it, then I copied and pasted her right eye and flipped it at a 90 degree angle. After blending everything in I added a couple of wrinkles on her cheeks and erased all the jagged edges. Then I was finished with this abomination.

Before Photo

After Photo

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Tom Cruise

Tom Cruise is a very famous American actor who recently starred in the newest Mission Impossible. Before Tom Cruise started his career as an actor he wanted to become a Priest. He is still a very strict Catholic and strongly believes in his ways. In 2003 Tom Cruise starred in the movie The Last Samurai,  Tom Cruise is reportedly very close with Japan and travels there a lot. Because of Tome Cruises deep devotion to Japan, the Japanese Memorial Day Association rewarded Tom Cruise with his celebratory day to honor him. Tom Cruise was born a Christian but later on in his life he converted to Scientology. Due to Tom Cruise's firm belief in Scientology his 14 year-long partnership with Paramount Pictures has come to an end because a huge discrepancy between them. Tom Cruise even has a page made about him called Some people believe he is truly nuts.

The first thing I did while making this photo was find four High Definition photos of Tom Cruise and then cut them out. After that I took the biggest photo and I copied an pasted his mouth but enlarged. After I correctly placed it I copied and pasted his eye so that it looked like he had a third eye. Next I copied and pasted his nose but also enlarged.  After that I combined all the photos onto an black  background and adjusted the tone to all of the photos so they fit in. Here is the final product.