Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Donald Trump... Again

I am criticizing Donald J Trump (or Drumpf) again because this is actually becoming a serious matter. It used to be that you could just joke around about how crazy it would be if Donald Trump became President, but now it actually possible!! I don't know how he has so many people in America devoted to him but it is making me question our country as a whole. If there are that many people who live in this country who are really considering a man who wants to build a wall between us and Mexico and bomb Isis while killing their innocent family members, how can I trust the people who live in this country to make a viable choice on matters that will affect our entire country. This single man has made me question the entire political process. If a man like Donald Trump can run for president, could David Duke or Charles Manson be elected by the dimwits in this country too. Donald Trump has blatantly lied and tricked a substantial percentage of the people of this country and has then gone to the media and stated that he never lies. That itself is a lie!!! I myself have jokingly stated that if Donald Trump gets elected I will move to Canada but now that he has an incredibly high voter percentage, I am becoming terrified thinking about what will happen to this country. What will we do if he truly gets elected? He wants to bomb Isis, which will lead to a war!! Donald Trump has targeted almost every minority, insulting them in every way possible. Right now, ask yourself if you truly want a man who will pay the fines for a Trump fan punching an African American woman during a Trump rally. Think about it while you enjoy this photoshopped image I made emanating what I feel about Donald Drumpf.

Feel The Bern

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Morgan Freeman

Morgan Freeman was born June 1st, 1931. He has featured in many movies including some that are critically renowned. Morgan Freeman has the voice is like sunshine on toast. His voice can make childbirth painless, bring world peace, and create new life. When Morgan Freeman speaks an angel is born. When Morgan Freeman has a soar thought the apocalypse begins to corrode our earth. One time Morgan Freeman lost his voice while making a documentary and Haiti had an earth quake. If Morgan Freeman met Hitler, Hitler would convert to Judaism. Morgan Freeman is good buddies with God, they have tea all the time. Morgan Freeman has even played God in a couple of movies because his voice is so God like. Morgan Freeman is the true savior of us all.... So I decided to photoshop him.

Here is the final product:

Here is an example of Morgan Freeman's power