Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Dr. Phil

       Phillip Calvin McGraw, is a psychologist, author, and has his own show called "Dr. Phil". Dr. Phil is like the male version of Opera. He has a talk show where he talks to people about political issues and if they killed there wife or not.  At one point in his career he even teamed up with Opera to win a lawsuit called the Amarillo Texas Beef Trial. After that he reappeared on Opera's show many more times and got more well known by the crowds. About a year later, Dr. Phil wrote about Life Strategies. Then in 2002 he started his show where he consults people about their life problems. In 2003 he entered the weight loss business, where he sold energy shakes, bars and juices. I think Dr. Phil is already a pretty strange looking man but I have chosen to enhance his weirdness tenfold through a magical little thing called Photoshop.

       The first thing I did while creating this photo was copy and paste Dr. Phil's mustache twice. Then I moved both copies up onto his eyebrows and made a unibrow out of them. after I blended them in correctly I copied and pasted his chin so that it looked like the top of his head. Next I took the burn tool and selected the mode shadow on 35% exposer and made it look like he had two black eyes and a bruised nose. After that I copied and pasted his chin two more times and made it look like he had a triple chin. After blending that in I selected the burn tool again and ran over the whole picture with it on 10% exposer.  The I took the exposer all the way up to 100% and wend over his eyes so that the middle of his eye was black. Next I took the burn tool and I made it look like he was bleeding from his lip by using a very small brush setting. After that I selected all layers and went into liquify mode. Then I made his eyes bulge and made his mouth smaller. Then I was finished.

Before Photo

After Photo

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy you're including more biographical info. Oprah's name is spelled Oprah.
