Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Diabolic Hillary Clinton

This week I don't have much to say about the actual person I am Photoshopping, I have more to say about my sanity... While creating this photo I questioned if I had tapped into a diabolic power and birthed this awful abomination. This masterpiece is questionably the most horrifying piece of work I have produced from my strange consciousness . It slithered from the darkest parts of hell on a quick path to my open mind and expelled itself from my fingers. As I drifted back into sanity, I glanced upon my computer screen and realized I had produced an atrocity so horrifying even I could not stand it.

The first thing I did while creating this horror was copy and paste the mouth five times. Then I lined the photos up in order but slightly lower on each photo. After that I merged the photos together and blended the uneven lips as well as I could. Next I took her left eye and tilted it at about a 95 degree angle, then I blended it in. After that I found an image of blood dripping and cut it out and than copied and pasted on her right eye. I made it look like it was dripping down her face by using the warp tool to bend it. Next I copied and pasted her teeth upside down and used the warp to match them up with her lower lip. Then I copied and pasted her neck folds twice and replaced her chin with them. After that I took a section of her cheek and covered her ear with it, then I copied and pasted her right eye and flipped it at a 90 degree angle. After blending everything in I added a couple of wrinkles on her cheeks and erased all the jagged edges. Then I was finished with this abomination.

Before Photo

After Photo


  1. Deeply disturbing. Have you looked at the art of Hieronymus Bosch? Do - he's amazing, and has a similar sensibility.

  2. Disturbing, but nicely put together as always.

  3. To be honest, the before picture was rather creepy to begin with...

    - Arletty

  4. I found this post pretty hilarious. The eye ear was pretty good ����

  5. Amazing art!I love the how much hard work and detection you put into your art. If I didn't already blog about your art I would do it again.

  6. Amazing art!I love the how much hard work and detection you put into your art. If I didn't already blog about your art I would do it again.

  7. The photo editing was honestly an improvement.

  8. I'm pretty sure we all question your sanity.
