Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Will Smith

     Will Smith is an odd actor that appears not to age. He is featured in many terrible movies such as After Earth and Wild Wild West.  After Earth got 11% on rotten tomatoes and Wild Wild West got 17%.  Most movies with Will Smith in them make me cringe.  Will Smith is not only weird in movies he is also quite odd looking.  Especially after I photoshop him.

     This first photoshop that I made was very easy to make. The first thing that I did was select his mouth and copy and paste it twice. After that I put his mouth in the place where his eyes would be and blended it in. After that I removed his eyebrows. And finally I selected both of his ears and enlarged them. Then I erased excess lines around the eyes and ears. Here is the final product.


     The next photo that I created is called "Will Smith on Crack" because he looks like he is on crack.
This photo terrifies me even though I made it. This photo took much longer than the first because I put a lot more effort into it. The first thing that I did to this photo was duplicate the background layer. After that I cut out the mouth on the duplicated Background Layer and carefully selected his head. Then I copied his head twice and put it inside of the cut out layer. Then I put the second copy inside of the smaller mouth and adjusted it a bit. After that I selected his right eye and turned it upside down in the place of his left and made both of his eyes red. Then I was finished.


  1. You disappoint me Will, have you never seen the Pursuit of Happiness or Independence Day, Will Smith kicked ass in those. Do not condemn him for his few failures. You also may need to talk to a therapist, seriously.

    1. I agree that both of those movies were moderately good, they are exceptions. BUT personally I could not sit through 100 minutes of After Earth with Will Smith sitting in a ship talking to his son (who is a terrible actor) about how "fear is not real". I just couldn't take it, I had to leave the theater.
