Thursday, April 14, 2016

Photoshopped Friends

This week I will not be photoshopping celebrities, but instead I will be altering some of my friends faces. I am choosing to do this because I finally have some HD photos of their faces taken by a professional and because I think it would be enjoyable to screw with their faces. I enjoyed making these photos because I know the "subjects", it was quite fun to photoshop them knowing that at some point they would see the images I made. So with out further ado, here are the images.

The first image I made was of Ethan Potkin. This was quite a simple thing to make but the end result was incredible. I first copied and pasted his chin excluding his mouth and enlarged it. I kept the chin line the same so that it wouldn't alter the shape of his face. Then I used the erase tool on 30% and erased the edges so it blended in. After that I copied the area above his eyebrows and moved it down so that it covered up his eyebrows. Then I used the same eraser technique and blended his eyebrows in. And for a final touch I copied and pasted his ear and enlarged it. Here is the final product.

The second image I made was of Kade Davis. This was also a fairly simple image. I first took Kade's mouth and chin and increased the size so it covered up his nose. Then, after blending it in using an eraser tool at 30% opacity, I merged the two layers together and copied and pasted it onto a separate image. This separate image was one of John Cena. After blending in his face I sat back and patted myself on the back, because I had just created a God. And his name is KAAADE CENAAA!!!

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