Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio was born in 1964 0n November 11th.  Leonardo DiCaprio is one of my personal favorite actors and somehow has not won a single Oscar. Seriously the people deciding whether he should win an oscar must be fucking with him. One example of Leo's incredible acting is his his role in the new movie The Revenant.  This insane scene Leonardo DiCaprio actually gets inside of a dead animal carcass and sleeps in it. In another scene in this movie he swims in a freezing cold river and almost got hypothermia in the process. Jesus just give this guy an Oscar already. Another incredible scene was show in the incredible movie Django Unchained. In one show Leo slams his hand on the table shattering a glass object, when his hand started to bleed he did not call cut he continued on with the scene and wiped real blood on another actors face. This scene made it into the final cut even though it was real blood. This amazing man is so incredible I believe he is part of the Reptilian race and that is why I photoshopped him. Here is the final product:


  1. This is an odd way to treat an actor you like. You might consider instead illustrating him with bloody hands crawling inside of frozen animals in an ice-choked river full of scalps . . .

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. AAGH! My eyes! Or perhaps I should say his eyes!

  4. He has an Oscar now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
